A.C. Doyle's books | Image gallery | Wallpapers | Win32 App

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If you like page layout and you are a fan of The Lost World, you can download Windows wallpaper for your desktop. We prepared desktop wallpaper for main used resolutions: 800x600, 1024x768 and 1152x864. You just need to download selected resolution file and run downloaded installation Setup.exe.

If you don't know, what resolution do you have on your computer, follow our instructions (working under Win95/98/Me/2000/NT4 only with several differences):

1. Click with right mouse button on you desktop (not on any icon or other object, just on the desktop) and from popped menu select Properties.

2. Display Properties window will appear. There are several tabs (Background is the first and Settings is the last) - click on the Settings tab.

3. On bottom of window is area called Screen area. There is small slider and under the slider is information in following format:
number1 by number2 pixels. Number1 and number2 are your resolution. (For example, if there is infromation:
800 by 600 pixels, your resolution is 800x600.

On the picture above is small sample of the windows desktop with our wallpaper applied.


Download wallpaper for your resolution:
800x600 (235 kb)
1024x768 (350 kb)
1152x864 (424 kb)


1. When wallpaper archive file is downloaded run it. You will be prompted for extraction path - which is the path to directory, where wallpaper should be placed. We suggest to extract the file into your Windows directory (C:\Windows is default for Win95/98/Me and C:\Winnt for Win2000/NT4). Browse for your path using button marked as "...", or write the path manually into path field. Then press Extract.

2. Click with right mouse button on you desktop (not on any icon or other object, just on the desktop) and from popped menu select Properties.

3. Display Properties window will appear. First tab Background is active. You should see list of available wallpaper files - if you extracted our wallpaper into your Windows directory, the wallpaper should be listed there. It's named Wall[resolution].bmp, where [resolution] is first value from your resolution (if you downloaded wallpaper for resolution 800x600, filename for wallpaper is Wall800.bmp).

4. If you didn't extract the wallpaper into your Windows directory, use Browse... button on Background tab and find the file in directoyr where you placed it.

5. After selecting the file, you should see preview of wallpaper. hit OK, when done.



If you have any problems with installing or downloading wallpapers, please let us know about it. Use the adresses described in CONTACT below. Thanx.


UPIRsoft Graphics, The Lost World crew


A.C. Doyle's books | Image gallery | Wallpapers | Win32 App